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This page is deprecated.
==Download Ubuntu 10.04 Server LTS (Lucid)==
*script: [[Easy_FusionPBX]]
    Select Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Long Term Support
    Choose 32 bit or 64 bit depending on your hardware
When you install ubuntu, you should select the "Manual package selection" option. This way we can keep the install to the bare minimum. Just quit tasksel during the install.
*Iso: [[Ubuntu_ISO]]
Make sure the following necessary packages are installed before continuing:
sudo apt-get install bison
==Older Versions==
== Get the latest install script ==
**It installs all necessary dependencies.
**It grabs the latest FreeSWITCH git and compile it, including dealing with a mod_dingaling issue.
**It sets permissions properly for FreeSWITCH.
**Sets up Fail2Ban (for FreeSWITCH)
**Sets up LogRotate (for FreeSWITCH)
**Checks for public IP address, optionally starts FreeSWITCH with -nonat for faster startup
*FusionPBX (optional)
**It sets permissions properly FusionPBX to edit FreeSWITCH config files. FreeSWITCH is now running as www-data starting with v4.3.3
**Grabs the latest FusionPBX from SVN and dependencies (php5-cli, php5-sqlite, sqlite)
**OPTION: Installs and configures: apache2 with mod-php5 OR nginx with php5-fpm.
**OPTION: Install MySQL for the FusionPBX database (instead of default sqlite).
**OPTION: PostgreSQL 8 (or 9) beginning with v4.3.3
***If using odbc for voicemail, FusionPBX requires php5-odbc!
Everything should automatically configured!
To download with wget:
#Find the latest script on sourceforge
#Get the 'download direct' link from sourceforge.
cd /usr/local/bin
wget "https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/fusionpbxinstal/install_fusionpbxv4.4.0pre.sh" -O install_fusionpbx
chmod 744 install_fusionpbx
====NGinx Log Files====
Nginx logs for FusionPBX are stored in a non-standard location. See:
install bison first (new FS dependency)
The logrotate script doesn't necessarily work as advertised. The cause is due to the way FS handles the sighup.  When received, FS will automatically mv /usr/local/freeswitch/log/freeswitch.log to /usr/local/freeswitch/log/freeswitch.log.`date "+%whatever"  In some rare instances, logrotate can cause FS to crash when it tries to write/mv to a file that has already been handled by logrotate.
[http://wiki.fusionpbx.com/index.php?title=RotateFSLogs Solution is here]
====Call Detail Records (CDRs)====
If your CDRs do not work and you see something like:
18:46:11.070791 [ERR] mod_xml_cdr.c:384 Unable to post to web server, writing to file
The issue here is in /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/xml_cdr.conf.xml
You'll see:
<param name="url" value="http://PUBLIC_IP_ADDRESS/mod/xml_cdr/v_xml_cdr_import.php"/>
Change it to:
<param name="url" value="http://localhost/mod/xml_cdr/v_xml_cdr_import.php"/>
This is due to the nginx https redirect for the public IP.  There's an exception in the config file for localhost.
This issue also affects outbound CID when using an Asterisk gateway.
Permissions aren't perfect (sorry), there's a script bug.
Setting group ID sticky for FreeSWITCH
/usr/bin/find: `freeswitch': No such file or directory
The script has:
/usr/bin/find freeswitch -type d -exec /bin/chmod u=rwx,g=srx,o= {} \;
This needs to be:
/usr/bin/find /usr/local/freeswitch -type d -exec /bin/chmod u=rwx,g=srx,o= {} \;
====Older Versions====
Please see [[Easy_Ubuntu_10.04_Old_Script_Versions]] for Errata, errors, and fixes.
Please see [[Easy_Ubuntu_10.04_Old_Script_Versions]] for Errata, errors, and fixes.
sudo install_fusionpbx
  This script should be called as:
    install_fusionpbx option1 option2
        user: option waits in certain places for the user to check for errors
        auto: tries an automatic install. Get a cup of coffee, this will take a while. FOR THE BRAVE!
sudo install_fusionpbx --version
    Version - 2011 January 1. WAF License
* Old ISO's Please see:[[Easy_Ubuntu_10.04_Old_CD_Versions]]
sudo install_fusionpbx install-both user
These are included to make the auto mode more flexible. Open the script and set them however you wish.
*for apache set to a, for nginx/php-fpm set to n -> for an auto install, user mode will prompt
*for mysql set m. for sqlite set s. for postgresql set p
*for postgresql v 9.0 (from ppa) set to 9, otherwise stick with 8
*must set SQLITEMYSQL to p
*to start FreeSWITCH with -nonat option set SETNONAT to y
*rm -Rf /opt? A default install doesn't have /opt so no worries
*if you do, set to no, and it will link /usr/local/freeswitch to /opt/freeswitch
*below is a list of modules we want to add to provide functionality for FusionPBX don't worry about the applications/mod_ format.  This script will find that in modules.conf
:modules_add=( mod_dingaling mod_portaudio mod_callcenter mod_lcr mod_cidlookup mod_directory mod_flite mod_pocketsphinx mod_xml_rpc mod_xml_cdr mod_xml_curl mod_say_es )
*v4.3.3 2011 January 31
#Added: smp compile support. Script works, make -j doesn't. see jira FS-3005
#Fixed: NGinx file size error
#FIXED removing nginx removes gnome/x.
#Added: Postgres (seems good)
#Fixed: Set up apache properly (fusionpbx file instead of default, use heredoc)
#Fixed: sqlite http request issue for nginx/apache
#Added: now doing ppa's the ubuntu way with apt-add-repository
#Added: set up auto install for nginx/apache, mysql/postgresql/sqlite, setnonat.
#Added: now prompts for rm -Rf /opt (or variable for auto-install).
#Added: Remove Nginx/php/apache properly
#*There's a bug in either ppa-purge or apt-add-repository (likely latter). if you install nginx, change your mind, install apache, change your mind again and re-install nginx, the repository for nginx/php5-fpm gets removed proerly [a '#' covers repo], but when re-enabling, the '#' gets replaced, and an 'n' is left on a newline afterward, preventing update/install from that repo.
#Fixed: Checking for nginx/apache2 binary instead of init scripts for if[x] restart
#TODO: look into setting up FS for mysql/pgsql
*v4.3.2.1 2011 January 1
#small problem when selecting nginx and sqlite. php5-fpm needed to restart so FusionPBX could see the FreeSWITCH directory.
*v4.3.2 2010 December 30
#logrotate was improperly setup. Needed to send sighup to fs_cli. Caused FS to die the first time it tried to log after rotation.
#php5-cli is a dependancy for FusionPBX. required for voicemail to email, and fax to email.
#added an nginx/php-fpm option.  You can change a variable (for auto run)or it will prompt you when you install fusionpbx in user mode
#mysql added as an option.
#problem with the way ubuntu logs ssh failures [fail2ban].
#*Failed password for root from port 22 ssh2 
#*last message repeated 5 times
#*SOLUTION: Turn off RepeatedMsgReduction in rsyslog.
#fail2ban: previous setup looked for freeswitch log in /var/log/freeswitch.log log is actually /usr/local/freeswitch/log/freeswitch.log
#Tries to see if you're on a static IP address. If you are, it wants to start FreeSWITCH with the -nonat option to save some time. Also a new variable
#TODO: Maybe probe cores and to the -b thing for quicker compile/bootstrap
*v4.3.1 2010 December 23
#made a state save file.  so if there's an error, don't re-bootstrap, configure, etc. and remove it on a clean exit.
#requests for modules add/enable for ugrade-freeswitch. DONE
#mod dingaling needs libgnutls-dev libgnutls26 packages, and change:
#*"--mode=relink gcc" --> "--mode=relink gcc -lgnutls"
#*in /usr/src/freeswitch/src/mod/endpoints/mod_dingaling/mod_dingaling.la
#*appears to be an ubuntu problem....
*v4.3 2010 December 22
#under case upgrade-freeswitch, variables were not set properly.  It upgraded fusionpbx.. fixed.
#done: fail2ban error fixed. removed associated text
#done: have install check for /etc/fail2ban. reinstall (as in from iso) duplicates some txt
#done: remove or fix fusionpbx upgrade code. it either needs to log in and then update and run the schema upgrade. or get rid of it. Fixed by prompting the user to open a browser window, and warn.
#done: get logrotate working... let's not fill the disk.
#stop/start freeswitch for an upgrade, and an install...
*v4.2 2010 December 17
#made some changes so the text flows correctly now that we use curl to do install.php. 
#sent curl output to dev null..
#added apt-get update before we install apache since remastersys removes apt data
#stopping FS before FusionPBX install, and starting afteward.
#changed license to WAF v1
*v4.1 2010 December 15
#changing cd sounds (48/32/16/8khz) down to hd sounds (16/8Kkhz)
*v4 2010 December 14
#now install-fusion|install-freeswitch|upgrade...
#also adding curl commands to finish fusionpbx install.
*v3 2010 December 13
#adding fail2ban et al.
*v2 2010 December 07
#adds arrays to process the modules.  should make this much easier to edit.
#*just make additions to modules_add
#*This should work fine (even on a 2nd run).
*v1 2010 December 06
#first cut
== Bugs and Getting Help ==
soapee01 on #fusionpbx (freenode) wrote this script.  For help, go there.  Bugs and feature requests can be handled on the sourceforge  project page:
"Freeswitch dies after it starts!"
There is a problem when using "install-fusionpbx install-freeswitch" after the Ubuntu ISO released 01-31-11. It has to do with the source used to build the version of FreeSwitch not being included in the ISO for space reasons.
If you'd like to backup your settings, then copy /var/www/fusionpbx/secure/fusionpbx.db to somewhere safe, /tmp or ~/ would work.
At this point, you need to remove your fusionpbx directory, then reinstall it. If you're logged into the web interface, now might be a good time to log out. rm -rf /var/www/fusionpbx. You've just nuked your FusionPBX install!
Now to re-install and restore all these settings.
`install-fusionpbx install-fusionpbx user`
Follow all the dialogues, once the installer finishes, copy back that fusionpbx.db from your /tmp or ~/ (or wherever you put it, I'll assume ~/) `# cp ~/fusionpbx.db /var/www/fusionpbx/secure/`
Once that's done, login to your web interface using your admin account and password that was specified prior to reinstall. Navigate the gui over to: Advanced > Commands
Once you're there, go to the PHP area and use this command: sync_package_freeswitch();
Click the "execute" button and hit "Apply" after the command executes, and your system should have all its settings prior to upgrade.
== ISO ==
<u>2011 January 1</u>
This is a LiveCD for installing FreeSWITCH/FusionPBX.  It's currently in work (64 bit and 32 bit).  These are beta.  They were created in VMPlayer sessions, but the do install on real hardware.  Please read [[Easy_Ubuntu_10.04#Instructions|Instructions]] and [[Easy_Ubuntu_10.04#Errata_2|Errata]] closely.
Feedback requested: /msg soapee01 on Freenode (#fusionpbx). As of December 30, 2010 it actually functions as a LiveCD. FreeSWITCH and FusionPBX are running so you can test the FusionPBX gui. Please don't connect up to a SIP client and complain about audio quality while you run from a CD-ROM. :)
The latest ISO images can be found here:
The latest Torrents for the images can be found here (Thanks hyper_ch!)
===ISO Major Inclusions===
Ubuntu Server version: 10.04 LTS
Freeswitch git number: ISO Date
FusionPBX SVN: ISO Date
web server: Ngnix/php5-fpm (post install you can change to Apache2)
database: sqlite (post install you can change to MySQL or PostgreSQL)
tftp server: not included
Other: logrotate, fail2ban
===If you have to compile freeswitch===
If you require the use of a module that wasn't included when freeswitch was compiled to create the ISO you will need to re-compile.  In order to fit the ISO image onto the CD, the source files have been removed, however the source files that were used to build the ISO are actually available - If you look on the sourceforge page for the iso, there's a tar.gz that is the compiled FreeSWITCH source that built the iso. Get it and xtracat it to /usr/src and then you'll be able to edit the modules.conf and compile.
# Read [[Easy_Ubuntu_10.04#Errata_2|Errata List]]
# Download the ISO
# Verify the MD5 Sum.
# Burn to a CD or run from VMWare/VirtualBOX (testing only)
# Boot (be patient... LiveCDs take a while)
# Double Click the install icon
# Post-install: decide whether or not you want to upgrade FusionBPX.
#* The system will not boot with a GUI. If you need one, run startx
# Default Username/Password for FusionPBX on LiveCD/post-install
#* username: superadmin
#* password: fusionpbx
===64 bit beta 2011-01-31===
:Download ISO: [http://sourceforge.net/projects/fusionpbxinstal/files/ISOs/beta-2011-01-01/fusionpbx_ub_x86_64-beta-2011-01-01.isoFIXME/download coming_soon]
:Download using BitTorrent: [http://sourceforge.net/projects/fusionpbxinstal/files/Torrent/beta-2011-01-01/fusionpbx_ub_x86_64-beta-2011-01-01.iso.torrentFIXME/download .torrent File Coming Soon] | [magnet:?xt=urn:btih:50F2D7F43A4B739A1CE9F168D6C919B560923412&dn=fusionpbx_ub_x86_64-beta-2011-01-01.iso&tr=udp://tracker.openbittorrent.com:80/announceFIXME Magnet Link Coming Soon]
:MD5: [http://sourceforge.net/projects/fusionpbxinstal/files/ISOs/beta-2011-01-01/fusionpbx_ub_x86_64-beta-2011-01-01.iso.md5FIXME/download coming soon]
*Script Build
Version 4.3.3 - 2011 January 31. WAF License
===32 bit beta 2011-01-31===
:Download ISO: [http://sourceforge.net/projects/fusionpbxinstal/files/ISOs/beta-2011-01-31/fusionpbx_ub_i386-beta-2011-01-31.iso fusionpbx_ub_i386-beta-2011-01-31.iso]
:Download using BitTorrent: [http://sourceforge.net/projects/fusionpbxinstal/files/Torrent/beta-2011-01-31/fusionpbx_ub_i386-beta-2011-01-31.iso.torrent/download .torrent File] | [magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2F3FD19227F4FF2E94519D1278D8782A1D9C245A&dn=fusionpbx_ub_i386-beta-2011-01-31.iso&tr=udp://tracker.openbittorrent.com:80/announce Magnet Link]
:MD5: [http://sourceforge.net/projects/fusionpbxinstal/files/ISOs/beta-2011-01-31/fusionpbx_ub_i386-beta-2011-01-31.iso.md5 4abde8e7d8ceab1db58926bd6cdefadb]
*Script Build
Version 4.3.3 - 2011 January 31. WAF License
===Permissions after Upgrade===
Unfortunately FreeSWITCH creates new files with no group rw permissions. Linux ACL's, system UMASK, and init.d/freeswitch UMASK has been tried to work around this.  The permissions are hard coded into FreeSWITCH. [http://jira.freeswitch.org/browse/FS-3016 See jira FS-3016.]
If you upgrade FreeSWITCH, permissions will be changed.  This is due to the way make install is configured.  Your first sign of this is that FreeSWITCH will fail to start. This is due to the /etc/init.d/freeswitch script trying to start FreeSWITCH as user www-data, and www-data doesn't have access to the FreeSWITCH binaries anymore. Post upgrade, run the following:
====Fix www-data Permissions====
This is a script to make FreeSWITCH and FusionPBX run as the same user again. Save it to a file (ex: fixperms.sh), make it executable (chmod ugo+x ./fixperms.sh) and run it with sudo (sudo ./fixperms.sh).
/etc/init.d/freeswitch stop
chown -R www-data.www-data /usr/local/freeswitch
#remove 'other' permissions on freeswitch
/bin/chmod -R o-rwx /usr/local/freeswitch/
#set FreeSWITCH directories full permissions for user/group with group sticky
/usr/bin/find /usr/local/freeswitch -type d -exec /bin/chmod u=rwx,g=srx,o= {} \;
#make sure FreeSWITCH directories have group write
/usr/bin/find /usr/local/freeswitch -type f -exec /bin/chmod g+w {} \;
#make sure FreeSWITCH files have group write
/usr/bin/find /usr/local/freeswitch -type d -exec /bin/chmod g+w {} \;
/etc/init.d/freeswitch start
===Older Versions===
Please see:[[Easy_Ubuntu_10.04_Old_CD_Versions]]
== PortAudio ==
== PortAudio ==
Line 339: Line 41:
Tested with VMWare Player 2011/02/27
Tested with VMWare Player 2011/02/27
== Wishlist ==
*Option to download FreeSWITCH compiled source as tar.gz for iso
Information on importing the self signed certificates can be found here [[Self-Signed CA]]
*Option --fix-permissions
**Needs to check FreeSWITCH init script
*upgrade-fusionpbx needs to fix permissions, since a FS upgrade kills them.
*Logrotate for nginx
*Fail2ban for FusionPBX failed login attempts
**Need information on attempts/rate/etc
*Fail2ban for FusionPBX on failed provision attempts
**Need information on attempts/rate/etc
*Change Fail2ban on FreeSWITCH with attempts/rate/etc in config file (not default settings)
*Change or have option to download GIT from GitHub repository (It's faster)
*Make nginx/apache https by default
**iso needs to regenerate certificates post install, ideally with 10 year expirations.
*fix nginx config to not block html files... Don't block ~ .ht
        # Disable viewing .htaccess & .htpassword & .db
        location ~ .htaccess {
                deny all;
        location ~ .htpassword {
                deny all;
*Install TFTPD, change permissions to www-data.
*Install TFTPD, change permissions to www-data.
**/var/lib/tftpboot is root dir.
**/var/lib/tftpboot is root dir.

Latest revision as of 17:04, 26 April 2012

This page is deprecated.

Older Versions

Please see Easy_Ubuntu_10.04_Old_Script_Versions for Errata, errors, and fixes.


Have fun with your sound card. Make sure the modules are loaded

lsmod |grep snd

It's already compiled (script and iso), but alsa is not present.

apt-get install alsa alsa-utils alsa-tools

You'll need to add your users to the audio group.

adduser www-data audio

Run alsamixer and unmute the channgels (with M) and crank the volume all the way up.

Reboot is now required (/etc/init.d/alsa might work, didn't for me)

Check that the soundcard is there.

cat /proc/asound/cards

Try playing a file from the CLI

aplay /usr/local/freeswitch/sounds/music/8000/suite-espanola-op-47-leyenda.wav

It should be working. reference with nice alsamixer pics

Enable the module in FusionPBX

  • System->Modules->PortAudio
    • Enable it
    • Start it

Example Port Audio Commands

Tested with VMWare Player 2011/02/27


Information on importing the self signed certificates can be found here Self-Signed CA


  • Install TFTPD, change permissions to www-data.
    • /var/lib/tftpboot is root dir.
    • /etc/default/tftpd-hpa is config file
  • Install NTPD
    • Package in repository is just 'ntp'