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m (nginx config: Remove spurios \$ escapes, and duplicate sections in 443 (i.e. wrong ssl configuration & second location ~ \.php$) both cause errors)
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Line 1: Line 1:
FreeBSD Install
From FusionPBX
==My Goal==
My Goal is to make a easy to install a PBX Based on Freebsd & Freeswitch & Fusionpbx .<br>
I am tired of iso's that don't work/install correctly. So I Have taken the time to walk you  <br>
through a base install.<br>
By Default this install is based on Freebsd 9.x, freeswitch, nginx, sqlite3, php5, and fusionpbx.<br>
If you need Apache or another web server you will have to do this yourself. (Please take the time to Document it below if you do.)<br>
If you wish to use mysql or Postgresql then you can select them when the nginx port build it only installs the connector clients.<br>
You will have to install the mysql or postgresql server either on the same box or a remote<br>
server of your choice and configure it properly.<br>
Please contact:<br>
email: r.neese@gmail.com<br>
irc: efnet: rneese on #bsdports<br>
irc: freenode: rneese in #fusionpbx and #freeswitch<br>
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==modules not currenly supported in port==
Installing Freeswitch 1.0.6_2 on FreeBSD 8.1
The following modules are not in the freebsd-core port on BSD with reasons why.<BR>
#applications/mod_osp (needs further devel on bsd)
#applications/mod_redis (needs further testing)
#applications/mod_stress (dead module)
#applications/mod_snipe_hunt (joke module)
#codecs/mod_sangoma_codec (not supported on bsd)
#codecs/mod_dahdi_codec (needs further testing on bsd
#directories/mod_ldap (dead)
#endpoints/mod_alsa ( not used on bsd)
#endpoints/mod_opal (currently broken on bsd)
#endpoints/mod_skypopen (not supported on bsd)
#endpoints/mod_h323 (does not build on bsd)
#../../libs/openzap/mod_openzap (dead renamed freetdm)
#asr_tts/mod_cepstral(not supported on bsd)
#event_handlers/mod_cdr_mongodb  (make file issues)(requires mod_mongo) (build issues)
#event_handlers/mod_radius_cdr (needs further work on bsd)
#languages/mod_yaml (dead)
#languages/mod_java requires java . looking at the opensource ver.
#timers/mod_timerfd (linux)
1 Support
2 Download FreeBSD
3 Install
4 stage 1 config
5 Installing The Ports Tree
6 Installing FreeBSD Base Source
7 Install FreeSwitch Via Ports
8 Installing Freeswitch via GIT
9 Edit /etc/rc.conf
10 FusionPBX Install and Configuration
For basic support on this install
server: irc.freenode.net
channel: #fusionpbx
Download FreeBSD
Download a Freebsd 8.1 install iso and burn it to a disc.  
==FreeBSD 9.x iso's For Installing==
i386: ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ISO-IMAGES-i386/8.1/FreeBSD-8.1-RC1-i386-disc1.iso
amd64: ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ISO-IMAGES-amd64/8.1/FreeBSD-8.1-RC1-amd64-disc1.iso
Download a Freebsd 9.x install iso and burn it to a disc.<br>
ia64: ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ISO-IMAGES-ia64/8.1/FreeBSD-8.1-RC1-ia64-disc1.iso
Boot the iso and when you get the install menu select Custom Install.
==FreeBSD 9.x Minimal Install==
'''In 9.x the installer changes.''' <br>
goto partition: hit enter : hit a and answer yes : select standard
Freebsd 9.0 New installer Basic Setup<br>
next goto label and you will have to create 4 areas
1) select install<br>
/ = 1 Gig
2) select United States iso-8895-1 <br>
swap = if = less 512Meg x 2 else = size of ram
/var = 10% of drive or atleast 6 gig
/tmp = 1 Gig
/usr =rest of drive
goto distribution and select minimal (a)  
hit tabkey and enter
goto media and select cdrom
then goto commit.
the os will now install
stage 1 config
3) set hostname<br>
After the os installs it will ask if you want to configure the base system select yes.
4) when prompter for docs and ports and src deselect all.<br>
scroll down and select root password and set the password.
scroll down and select timezone and set your time zone.
Scroll to network and the scroll to interface and hit the spacebar and configure your network card.
still in the network area select ntp and choose a ntpserver. Then select sshd and tcp extensions.
scroll up to exit and hit the enter.
scroll to startup and scroll down and deselect quotas.
then scroll up to exit and hit enter.
scroll up to exit .
hit tab and select exit install. Remove the cdrom and then reboot.
You now have a base/minimal install.  
Installing The Ports Tree
Execute the following command:
5) select guided and full partition<br>
portsnap fetch extract
6) and then goto exit<br>
To keep the ports tree updated use
portsnap fetch update
7) hit save.<br>
To keep your system updated install
8) set root passwd<br>
make install clean
When every you want to update your system after a portsnap update
portmanager -u
9) setup network interface<br>
Installing FreeBSD Base Source
(Needed only if you're going to need Zaptel, tdm, or OpenZap Support.)  
10) set up clock / ntpdate<br>
csup -h cvsup.freebsd.org -L2 /usr/share/examples/cvsup/stable-supfile
Note: you can replace cvsup with cvsup# #=(1 - 15).
Install FreeSwitch Via Ports
11) setp daemons ssh and ntpd is all thats needed at this point<br>
Now install FreeSWITCH from ports.
cd /usr/ports/net/freeswitch-core
make install clean
MOH and Sounds
cd /usr/ports/audio/freeswitch-sounds
make install clean
cd ../freeswitch-music
make install clean
Installing Freeswitch via GIT
12) next add a user if you wish<br>
13) next go to exit and reboot<br>
You will have to install each dep port by hand.
After reboot<br>
Login : root / password<br>
cd /usr/ports/devel/git && make install clean
for root ssh (security hole)(enable at own risk)
mkdir -p /usr/local/work
ee or vi /etc/ssh/sshd_conf<br>
cd /usr/local/work
rm the # from infront of PermitRootLogin and change no to yes<br>
git clone git://git.freeswitch.org/freeswitch.git
cd freeswitch
then run<br>
/etc/rc.d/sshd restart<br>
configure --prefix=/usr/local/freeswitch --with-libgnutls-prefix=${LOCALBASE} --with-ogg=${LOCALBASE} --with-ogg-libraries=${LOCALBASE}/lib --with-ogg-includes=${LOCALBASE}/include
make install
and then follow the listed commands for installing sounds
Then chown -R freeswitch:freeswitch /usr/local/freeswitch
cd into the scripts directory and cp freeswitch.sh /usr/local/etc/rc.d
Edit /etc/rc.conf
now you can ssh into the box.<br>
==Install ports-tree & Freebsd-base-src==
  pkg_add -r fastest-cvsup<br>
add the following line to the end of your /etc/rc.conf  
base src (needed if you whant mod_freetdm) (required for dahdi build)<br>
  csup -h `fastest_cvsup -c tld -q` -L2 /usr/share/examples/cvsup/src-supfile
ports tree<br>
  csup -h `fastest_cvsup -c tld -q` -L2 /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile
  cd /usr/ports/net/freeswitch-devel (FreeSwitch Meta Port)
  make install clean
  cd /usr/ports/www/nginx
  make install clean
  cd /usr/ports/www/fusionpbx
  make install clean
When it gets to the point of building php be sure to select php-fpm.
when all is installed:
edit /etc/rc.conf add 3 lines
==Setup Nginx & ssl keys==
Replace /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf with the bellow configuration.
---(start cut here)---
  #user  www;
  worker_processes  1;
  #pid        logs/nginx.pid;
  events {
    worker_connections  1024;
  http {
    include      mime.types;
    default_type  application/octet-stream;
    #log_format  main  '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
    #                  '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
    #                  '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';
    #access_log  logs/access.log  main;
    sendfile        on;
    #tcp_nopush    on;
    #keepalive_timeout  0;
    keepalive_timeout  65;
    #gzip  on;
        access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
        error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;
        client_max_body_size 10M;
        client_body_buffer_size 128k;
        location / {
          root /usr/local/www/fusionpbx;
          index index.php;
        location ~ \.php$ {
            fastcgi_index index.php;
            include fastcgi_params;
            fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME /usr/local/www/fusionpbx$fastcgi_script_name;
        # Disable viewing .htaccess & .htpassword & .db
        location ~ .htaccess {
                deny all;
        location ~ .htpassword {
                deny all;
        location ~^.+.(db)$ {
                deny all;
        listen 80;
        server_name fusionpbx;
        if (\$uri !~* ^.*provision.*$) {
                rewrite ^(.*) https://$host$1 permanent;
        access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
        error_log /var/log/nginx/.error.log;
        client_max_body_size 10M;
        client_body_buffer_size 128k;
        location / {
          root /usr/local/www/fusionpbx;
          index index.php;
        location ~ \.php$ {
            fastcgi_index index.php;
            include fastcgi_params;
            fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME /usr/local/www/fusionpbx$fastcgi_script_name;
        # Disable viewing .htaccess & .htpassword & .db
        location ~ .htaccess {
                deny all;
        location ~ .htpassword {
                deny all;
        location ~^.+.(db)$ {
                deny all;
        listen 443;
        server_name fusionpbx;
        access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
        error_log /var/log/nginx/.error.log;
        client_max_body_size 10M;
        client_body_buffer_size 128k;
        location / {
          root /usr/local/www/fusionpbx;
          index index.php;
        # Disable viewing .htaccess & .htpassword & .db
        location ~ .htaccess {
                deny all;
        location ~ .htpassword {
                deny all;
        location ~^.+.(db)$ {
                deny all;
        #error_page  404              /404.html;
        # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html
        #error_page  500 502 503 504  /50x.html;
        location = /50x.html {
            root  /usr/local/www/nginx-dist;
        location ~ \.php$ {
            root          /usr/local/www/fusionpbx;
            fastcgi_index  index.php;
            fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME  /usr/local/www/fusionpbx/$fastcgi_script_name;
            include        fastcgi_params;
        ssl                  on;
        ssl_certificate      /etc/ssl/www/fusionpbx/cert.pem;
        ssl_certificate_key  /etc/ssl/www/fusionpbx/key.pem;
        ssl_session_timeout  5m;
        ssl_protocols  SSLv2 SSLv3 TLSv1;
        ssl_ciphers  ALL:!ADH:!EXPORT56:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP;
        ssl_prefer_server_ciphers  on;
        client_max_body_size 25m;
---(end cut here)---<br>
'''SSL Key Generation'''
  mkdir -p /etc/ssl/www/fusionpbx
  cd /etc/ssl/www/fusionpbx
  openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -out cert.pem -keyout key.pem -days 365
  chmod 640 /etc/ssl/www/fusionpbx/*.pem
  /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx start
==Monit & Fail2Ban==
  cd /usr/ports/security/monit
  make install clean
  cd /usr/ports/security/py-fail2ban
  make install clean
==Postgresql Server Setup (localhost)==
\----'''Fresh pgsql install'''----/<br>
cd /usr/ports/database/postgresql84-server<br>
make install clean<br>
To set and configure PgSQL for use with FusionPBX,<br>
Follow this line for line.<br>
for a fresh pgsql install follow :<br>
su pgsql<br>
initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data<br>
postmaster -D /usr/local/pgsql/data >logfile 2>&1 & <br>
createuser -s -e FusionPBX<br>
createdb -O FusionPBX FusionPBX<br>
psql -d FusionPBX -U FusionPBX<br>
alter user FusionPBX with password 'password';or any passwordd you want ";" required<br>
psql -f /usr/local/www/fusionpbx/includes/install/sql/pgsql.sql FusionPBX<br>
exit from su<br>
'''For a existiting pgsql database install follow:'''<br>
su pgsql<br>
createuser -s -e FusionPBX<br>
createdb -O FusionPBX FusionPBX<br>
psql -d FusionPBX -U FusionPBX<br>
ALTER USER FusionPBX with PASSWORD 'password'; or any password you want, ";" required<br>
Now enable it in /etc/rc.conf<br>
  echo postgres_enable="YES" > /etc/rc.conf
==MySql Setup (localhost)==
mysql install via ports<br>
cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql55-server<br>
make install clean<br>
echo mysql_enable="yes" >> /etc/rc.conf<br>
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql start<br>
==Final Step==
Reboot your system and point your browser to:
or <br>
https://domain.name.box (Requires dns)<br>
==Install & Setup Script==

Latest revision as of 04:38, 29 January 2013

My Goal

My Goal is to make a easy to install a PBX Based on Freebsd & Freeswitch & Fusionpbx .

I am tired of iso's that don't work/install correctly. So I Have taken the time to walk you
through a base install.

By Default this install is based on Freebsd 9.x, freeswitch, nginx, sqlite3, php5, and fusionpbx.

If you need Apache or another web server you will have to do this yourself. (Please take the time to Document it below if you do.)

If you wish to use mysql or Postgresql then you can select them when the nginx port build it only installs the connector clients.

You will have to install the mysql or postgresql server either on the same box or a remote
server of your choice and configure it properly.

Please contact:
email: r.neese@gmail.com
irc: efnet: rneese on #bsdports
irc: freenode: rneese in #fusionpbx and #freeswitch

modules not currenly supported in port

The following modules are not in the freebsd-core port on BSD with reasons why.

#applications/mod_osp (needs further devel on bsd)
#applications/mod_redis (needs further testing)
#applications/mod_stress (dead module)
#applications/mod_snipe_hunt (joke module)
#codecs/mod_sangoma_codec (not supported on bsd)
#codecs/mod_dahdi_codec (needs further testing on bsd
#directories/mod_ldap (dead)
#endpoints/mod_alsa ( not used on bsd)
#endpoints/mod_opal (currently broken on bsd)
#endpoints/mod_skypopen (not supported on bsd)
#endpoints/mod_h323 (does not build on bsd)
#../../libs/openzap/mod_openzap (dead renamed freetdm)
#asr_tts/mod_cepstral(not supported on bsd)
#event_handlers/mod_cdr_mongodb  (make file issues)(requires mod_mongo) (build issues)
#event_handlers/mod_radius_cdr (needs further work on bsd)
#languages/mod_yaml (dead)
#languages/mod_java requires java . looking at the opensource ver.
#timers/mod_timerfd (linux)

FreeBSD 9.x iso's For Installing

Download a Freebsd 9.x install iso and burn it to a disc.

FreeBSD 9.x Minimal Install

In 9.x the installer changes.

Freebsd 9.0 New installer Basic Setup

1) select install

2) select United States iso-8895-1

3) set hostname

4) when prompter for docs and ports and src deselect all.

5) select guided and full partition

6) and then goto exit

7) hit save.

8) set root passwd

9) setup network interface

10) set up clock / ntpdate

11) setp daemons ssh and ntpd is all thats needed at this point

12) next add a user if you wish

13) next go to exit and reboot

After reboot
Login : root / password

for root ssh (security hole)(enable at own risk) ee or vi /etc/ssh/sshd_conf
rm the # from infront of PermitRootLogin and change no to yes
then run
/etc/rc.d/sshd restart

now you can ssh into the box.

Install ports-tree & Freebsd-base-src

 pkg_add -r fastest-cvsup

base src (needed if you whant mod_freetdm) (required for dahdi build)

 csup -h `fastest_cvsup -c tld -q` -L2 /usr/share/examples/cvsup/src-supfile

ports tree

 csup -h `fastest_cvsup -c tld -q` -L2 /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile
 cd /usr/ports/net/freeswitch-devel (FreeSwitch Meta Port)
 make install clean
 cd /usr/ports/www/nginx
 make install clean
 cd /usr/ports/www/fusionpbx
 make install clean

When it gets to the point of building php be sure to select php-fpm.
when all is installed: edit /etc/rc.conf add 3 lines



Setup Nginx & ssl keys

Replace /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf with the bellow configuration.
---(start cut here)---

 #user  www;
 worker_processes  1;
 #pid        logs/nginx.pid;
 events {
   worker_connections  1024;
 http {
   include       mime.types;
   default_type  application/octet-stream;
   #log_format  main  '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
   #                  '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
   #                  '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';
   #access_log  logs/access.log  main;
   sendfile        on;
   #tcp_nopush     on;
   #keepalive_timeout  0;
   keepalive_timeout  65;
   #gzip  on;
       access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
       error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;
       client_max_body_size 10M;
       client_body_buffer_size 128k;
       location / {
         root /usr/local/www/fusionpbx;
         index index.php;
       location ~ \.php$ {
           fastcgi_index index.php;
           include fastcgi_params;
           fastcgi_param   SCRIPT_FILENAME /usr/local/www/fusionpbx$fastcgi_script_name;
       # Disable viewing .htaccess & .htpassword & .db
       location ~ .htaccess {
               deny all;
       location ~ .htpassword {
               deny all;
       location ~^.+.(db)$ {
               deny all;
       listen 80;
       server_name fusionpbx;
       if (\$uri !~* ^.*provision.*$) {
               rewrite ^(.*) https://$host$1 permanent;
       access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
       error_log /var/log/nginx/.error.log;
       client_max_body_size 10M;
       client_body_buffer_size 128k;
       location / {
         root /usr/local/www/fusionpbx;
         index index.php;

       location ~ \.php$ {
           fastcgi_index index.php;
           include fastcgi_params;
           fastcgi_param   SCRIPT_FILENAME /usr/local/www/fusionpbx$fastcgi_script_name;
       # Disable viewing .htaccess & .htpassword & .db
       location ~ .htaccess {
               deny all;
       location ~ .htpassword {
               deny all;
       location ~^.+.(db)$ {
               deny all;
       listen 443;
       server_name fusionpbx;
       access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
       error_log /var/log/nginx/.error.log;
       client_max_body_size 10M;
       client_body_buffer_size 128k;
       location / {
         root /usr/local/www/fusionpbx;
         index index.php;

       # Disable viewing .htaccess & .htpassword & .db
       location ~ .htaccess {
               deny all;
       location ~ .htpassword {
               deny all;
       location ~^.+.(db)$ {
               deny all;
       #error_page  404              /404.html;
       # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html
       #error_page   500 502 503 504  /50x.html;
       location = /50x.html {
           root   /usr/local/www/nginx-dist;
       location ~ \.php$ {
           root           /usr/local/www/fusionpbx;
           fastcgi_index  index.php;
           fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME  /usr/local/www/fusionpbx/$fastcgi_script_name;
           include        fastcgi_params;
       ssl                  on;
       ssl_certificate      /etc/ssl/www/fusionpbx/cert.pem;
       ssl_certificate_key  /etc/ssl/www/fusionpbx/key.pem;
       ssl_session_timeout  5m;
       ssl_protocols  SSLv2 SSLv3 TLSv1;
       ssl_ciphers  ALL:!ADH:!EXPORT56:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP;
       ssl_prefer_server_ciphers   on;
       client_max_body_size 25m;

---(end cut here)---
SSL Key Generation

 mkdir -p /etc/ssl/www/fusionpbx
 cd /etc/ssl/www/fusionpbx
 openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -out cert.pem -keyout key.pem -days 365 
 chmod 640 /etc/ssl/www/fusionpbx/*.pem
 /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx start

Monit & Fail2Ban


 cd /usr/ports/security/monit
 make install clean


 cd /usr/ports/security/py-fail2ban
 make install clean

Postgresql Server Setup (localhost)

\----Fresh pgsql install----/

cd /usr/ports/database/postgresql84-server
make install clean
To set and configure PgSQL for use with FusionPBX,
Follow this line for line.
for a fresh pgsql install follow :
su pgsql
initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
postmaster -D /usr/local/pgsql/data >logfile 2>&1 &
createuser -s -e FusionPBX
createdb -O FusionPBX FusionPBX
psql -d FusionPBX -U FusionPBX
alter user FusionPBX with password 'password';or any passwordd you want ";" required
psql -f /usr/local/www/fusionpbx/includes/install/sql/pgsql.sql FusionPBX
exit from su

For a existiting pgsql database install follow:
su pgsql
createuser -s -e FusionPBX
createdb -O FusionPBX FusionPBX
psql -d FusionPBX -U FusionPBX
ALTER USER FusionPBX with PASSWORD 'password'; or any password you want, ";" required

Now enable it in /etc/rc.conf

 echo postgres_enable="YES" > /etc/rc.conf

MySql Setup (localhost)

mysql install via ports
cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql55-server
make install clean
echo mysql_enable="yes" >> /etc/rc.conf
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/mysql start

Final Step

Reboot your system and point your browser to:

https://domain.name.box (Requires dns)

Install & Setup Script