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(New appliance install init)
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Revision as of 07:07, 19 July 2014


This is an easy install even for newbies. Stick to the steps and everything should go just fine. With Debian netinstall as a base you will create your FusionPBX appliance.

  • Debian Wheezy netinstall
  • Attention OpenVZ users!!!
  • Download the script. Modify it, and run it
  • Create your super user on the webinterface
  • Restart your new FusionPBX appliance

Well, lets get started!

Install Debian Wheezy

Debian Wheezy

Get it here: http://www.debian.org/distrib/netinst Or use http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ to create your installation thumb stick. (Win/Linux) All other packages will be added later.

Attention OpenVZ users!!!

echo "Those of you running this script on openvz. You must run it as root and "
echo "bash  Fusionpbx-Debian-Pkg-Install-New.sh or it fails the networking check."
echo "Please take the time to refer to this document if you have install issues on openvz"
echo "http://openvz.org/Virtual_Ethernet_device and make sure to setup a eth0 ."

On Proxmox VE that means you choose your vmbr0 as Network interface.

Install Script

Download the install script to your home directory. You will run the script only once.

cd ~
wget fusionpbx.googlecode.com/svn/branches/dev/scripts/install/Debian/Fusionpbx-Minimal-Option-Install-New.sh
  • Read the full head:
  • Change your settings and choose your apps until you see:
#<------Stop Edit HERE--------->
vi Fusionpbx-Minimal-Option-Install-New.sh
  • Make the script executable
chmod u+x Fusionpbx-Minimal-Option-Install-New.sh

Run the install script as root or sudo -s

# ./Fusionpbx-Minimal-Option-Install-New.sh

in OpenVZ

# bash Fusionpbx-Minimal-Option-Install-New.sh

Lean back and enjoy! The install script will install FreeSWITCH , FusionPBX, PostgreSQL/Sqlite, monit, fail2ban, and a few other things. Everything unattended.

Browser Install

Script finished and shows you something like this:

From a web browser go to http://<Your_ip_address>

  • Step 1. Create your own super admin user.
  • Step 2. Sqlite just click next. / Postgres? (can someone test it?)

Before you start configuring and setting everything up, make a reboot.


Restarting your machine will help to restart all apps in FusionPBX and Linux daemons. Moreover you see a nice PBX Administration Menu next time you log in!