Provisioning with Snom Phones
Provisioning FusionPBX with Snom Phones
These instruction are meant for the "CenOS 6.2 with PostgreSQL 9.1" installation script. It may work with other installs as well.
FusionPBX provides functionality to generate provisioning files for phones. In this article we will be talking about Snom phones however templates exist for other phones as well.
Provisioning Templates
There are a number of provisioning templates available. We at Helia upload our custom templates at time of install and make any customer changes as required directly using Dreamweaver or Filezilla. Dreamweaver and Filezilla have the ability to manage files over SSH so makes updating the files a bit easier. If you do use these tools and create a new file, make sure you update the owner of the files to apache:apache. By default a new file created when you're root has an owner:group of root:root.
Provisioning templates can be found on the file system at: /var/www/html/fusionpbx/includes/templates/provision
These templates allow for variables to be added for required items like phone account username and password, but also parameters custom to your deployment. The files you find in the provisioning templates folder include examples to follow.
== Custom Provisioning Variables
At Helia, we add SNMP and custom phone administration passwords to our deployments. There are variables needed for this that is not included as part of the default install. We add this to our systems using