Installing FusionPBX behind pfSense
From FusionPBX
The principles explained here can also apply to almost any other Firewall.
1. Create Alias Ports in pfSense
- First we need to config pfSense to open the necessary ports for FusionPBX and Freeswitch
- In pfSense navigate to Firewall >> Aliases and click on the Ports TAB.
Name: PBX Description: FusionPBX Type: Ports
- Then proceed to add the ports as follows:
Port Description 80 HTTP 443 HTTPS 5060:5061 SIP Internal 5080:5081 SIP External 16384:32768 RTP
- After you are finished Click SAVE
2. Configure pfSense Port Forwarding
Click on the '+' to add a new Entry
Firewall >> NAT >> Port Forward: Edit
Interface: WAN Protocol: TCP/UDP Destination: <<Select a Public IP from the List>> Destination Port Range: from: (Other) PBX to: (Other) PBX
Redirect target IP: Redirect target port: (Other) PBX
Description: FusionPBX NAT reflection: Use system default
- Click SAVE when done.
3. Configure FusionPBX
- In FusionPBX
System >> Variables
IP Address Section If you have a static public IP you can replace XX.XX.XX.XX with that IP.
external_rtp_ip XX.XX.XX.XX external_sip_ip XX.XX.XX.XX
or if you have a dynamic IP address you can get a Dynamic DNS from a company such as
external_rtp_ip external_sip_ip
Advanced >> SIP Profiles
Edit the Internal Profile and add:
Name: aggressive-nat-detection Value: true Enabled: True
Now we need to Stop and Start the internal profile for the changes to take effect. Status >> SIP Status
Stop and Start the Internal Profile.
In most cases this should work fine. I have tested with inbound and outbound calls, calls between extensions, music on hold, call transfers without issues.