Hi guys.
A big thanks to Mr Nato who helped me figure this out.
This is for when you change your domain and by doing so, you have locked yourself out, and cannot log into the Fusionpbx admin.
Notes: This is for mysql users. I am sure users of postgresql could modify the queries to make it work.
Ok, so I am locked out, and Fusion has deleted my login from the database. Table v_users is empty.
Step1: Log into mysql.
Step2: Find your domain_uuid
select * from v_domains;
Step 3:
Copy your domain_uuid into these 2 queries and run the queries:
insert into v_users values ('82e2a8e9-cb46-4815-a330-30843f5a134a','(domain_uuid)','test123','b6739a278904e2846e7d36f5c551c867','oPd?J88uFCqK64!*..iX','NULL',,,'true',,);
insert into v_group_users values ('c81bab97-35f8-4771-8d15-7db378fecc2b','(domain_uuid)','superadmin','82e2a8e9-cb46-4815-a330-30843f5a134a');
Step 4:
Then logout using the URL: www.domain.com/fusionpbx/logout.php
Then log in with : username: test123 password: test123
You should be able to log in, and create yourself a new superadmin user.
For safety, its better to delete this user test123
Hope this helps.