User:Manifestation Magic Review9

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During the process of involution, a human being Manifestation Magic opens his eyes to the external world and wrongfully perceives himself as an existence limited by time, space, knowledge, incompleteness and pervasiveness. This is the poverty of Shakti that is why people worship the female goddess who is perceived as the embodiment of Shakti. Our life contracts and crumbles into the false feeling birth and death cycle. The Goal The goal of human life is to understand these false projections and strive to uncoil the sleeping energy so that it rises again to the Sahasrara and we attain the unified state once again. Then only we shall realize our true potential and identity.

On her upward journey, our lives truly evolve and the moment she passes the prism of Maya, the age-old false impression of this world around us fades away and the small "i" merges with the big "I" and everything coalesces into one and only true existence. The cycle of involution and evolution ends. Deepayan Choudhury is associated with Vedantic philosophy for a good amount of time and delivered lectures to few philosophical societies in Kolkata, India. He is also a poet and many of his compositions were published in print magazines mostly in his regional language. His poetry was selected three consecutive times in the "Poetry World", a collection of world poetries.

He is also an illustrator, painter, and cartoonist. He took part in several painting exhibitions in Kolkata, India. A prologue The human mind was always fascinated by the creation and more about its creator. Much of their attempts at apprehending the creator were futile. They had a minimum understanding of the natural forces so they imposed siuper powers (mainly in Tantra) onto those invisible forces and eventually gave them a shape on the basis of their qualities. If the forces are destructive; they made an idol which had a fierce look with terrifying weapons. The softer ones which proved to be beneficial for them like rain which helped in harvesting or Mother Earth which provided food for them had a pleasant appearance.