User:Nerve Renew Review Tab

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So how can we work out whether magnetic therapy is Nerve Renew a real help, rather than pseudo-scientific or semi-mystical junk? I go for a mixture of two things: practical scientific research, based on statistical studies on many people, and anecdotal evidence: what doctors and users have seen personally - also collected together from many people.

Using these two kinds of evidence, you can get a good idea of the truth, which is this: magnetic therapy sometimes DOES work - and frequently does not. First, it's the electromagnotherapy machines you'll find in hospitals and clinics. There are many designs, some combining other kinds of therapy with magnotherapy, but they've all been well-trialled and the results are measurable.

Almost all of them have a VERY strong magnetic field, which switches rapidly between north and south pole, using the alternating current that produces the magnetic field. So, second, anything which follows the same principles has a chance of being effective. Do note, though, that the magnetic fields here are at least 30 times as strong as typical 'powerful' magnets used in bangles and mattresses.