Call Forward
Menu: (Apps-Call Forward)
Use Call Forward to redirect calls from a particular extension to an alternate destination.
The alternate destination can be another extension, external phone number such as a cell phone, or various other possibilities.
Using Call Forward with feature codes
There is a lua script that should be in your freeswitch/scripts/call_forward.lua To get the latest version, run SVN up on your fusionpbx install and find it in includes/install/scripts/call_forward.lua
To use this with a feature code...
- add a dialplan entry with the dialplan manager,
- add a condition with destination_number and something like ^393$, fwd
- then application: lua and call_forward.lua
- Add an action before that that sets a variable application: set data: pin_number=9449 (put in your own number)
- With this you have call forwarding by feature code.
Enable Diversion Header for forwarded calls
Edit the call_forward.lua
add the line dial_string = dial_string .. “,sip_h_Diversion=<"..extension.."@"..domain_name..">;reason=unconditional";
after dial_string = dial_string .. ",toll_allow='"..toll_allow.."'";
and edit the app/calls/resources/classes/call_forward.php
add the line $dial_string .=",sip_h_Diversion=<".$this->extension."@".$_SESSION['domain_name'].">;reason=unconditional";
after the line $dial_string .= ",toll_allow='".$this->toll_allow."'";
[RFC 5806 - Diversion Indication in SIP - IETF Tools]