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Menu: (Apps-Extensions)

Each phone on the PBX is setup to register to one or more extension numbers.

Basic Setup

  • To add an extension go to the Menu -> App -> Extensions and press the add button.
  • Set an extension number
  • the rest of the defaults are fun for a basic example.
  • Press save.
  • System -> Apply Settings


Range used to setup one or more extensions. In other words this can be used to create extension in bulk from 1 to 1000 extensions.
If the checkbox for Auto-generate user with extension as login name is checked, User List is ignored, and a user is created and linked to the extension.
A printable List of usernames and randomly generated passwords is dumped to screen so can capture them for later.

Effective Caller ID Name: is used when calling internal numbers. ( effective_caller_id_name - FreeSWITCH variable )

Effective Caller ID Number: is used when when calling internal numbers. ( effective_caller_id_number - FreeSWITCH variable )
Outbound Caller ID Name: is used when calling external numbers. ( outbound_caller_id_name - General variable )

Outbound Caller ID Number: is used when calling external numbers. ( outbound_caller_id_number - General variable )
Caller ID notes:
Effective caller id is the real caller id however people tend to like and internal caller id for extensions and an external caller id when calling 
out the gateways so when calling out a gateway if you were to look at the outbound route in the edit window as a superadmin users you would see
that when going out the gateway it sets the outbound caller id to the effective caller id the effect is this on the extension you set the effective
caller id to the internal caller id info the number as the extension number then you set the outbound caller id as the external caller id.  This is
used to set the outbound caller ID effective_caller_id_name=${outbound_caller_id_name}.  The Outbound caller ID variable doesn't exist in FreeSWITCH,
it is a feature of FusionPBX.  You can set the caller id either on the gateways for a gateway or can be set on the extension.

Account Code - this is not used anywhere in the default dialplan but is provided in FreeSwitch and therefore is provided in FusionPBX for full compatibility. It sets a variable for the extension that could be used in a condition. See Variable accountcode for more information. Note that it can be used to affect the operation of CDR.

Functionality for phone provisioning is now provided on this screen, but has not yet been documented here.


The password is set automatically using a combination of random characters that are:

  • upper and lower case letters,
  • numbers
  • symbols

Rather than changing the password to something simple it is much wiser to keep it as it was automatically set and to use that password to connect the phone with. To view the password that has been automatically set, open the extension page again and click on the obfuscated password in the password field. The actual password will be revealed just below the password field.

Notes on Toll Allow

Toll Allow is a variable that can be set per extension. It allows you to limit who can make what type of calls. Note that although the variable is provided in the extension configuration, the default dialplan DOES NOT make use of it. Therefore if you want to use it you need to add statements to the dialplan to enable it.

The following are notes on Toll Allow that were captured from IRC discussions on the topic. This needs to be updated by someone who understands it or has used it:

An example for the contents of the toll_allow variable would be:
<variable name="toll_allow" value="domestic,local"/>
You can then add information to your dialplan to process this variable.  In the example XML below, if the valid allow value isn't present then
an extension shouldn't be able to dial out.  However extension -> extension should still work.
The following code are example XML for standard outbound routes (Dialplan->OutboundRoutes).  Effectively you are applying an additional  
condition to EACH outbound route that you want to limit.  So in the FusionPBX GUI select an outbound route and add a condition, type  
"${toll_allow}", data "local".  Order is important, this should be the FIRST condition of your outbound route.
You'll need to do that for all of your outbound routes, tag them local, domestic, or international depending on what they are.
On some installations this example file will be present in /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/dialplan/default/01_example.com.xml: 
 <extension name="local.example.com">
   <condition field="${toll_allow}" expression="local"/>
   <condition field="destination_number" expression="^(\d{7})$">
     <action application="set" data="effective_caller_id_number=${outbound_caller_id_number}"/>
     <action application="set" data="effective_caller_id_name=${outbound_caller_id_name}"/>
     <action application="bridge" data="sofia/gateway/${default_gateway}/1${default_areacode}$1"/>

 <extension name="domestic.example.com">
   <condition field="${toll_allow}" expression="domestic"/>
   <condition field="destination_number" expression="^(\d{11})$">
     <action application="set" data="effective_caller_id_number=${outbound_caller_id_number}"/>
     <action application="set" data="effective_caller_id_name=${outbound_caller_id_name}"/>
     <action application="bridge" data="sofia/gateway/${default_gateway}/$1"/>

 <extension name="international.example.com">
   <condition field="${toll_allow}" expression="international"/>
   <condition field="destination_number" expression="^(011\d+)$">
     <action application="set" data="effective_caller_id_number=${outbound_caller_id_number}"/>
     <action application="set" data="effective_caller_id_name=${outbound_caller_id_name}"/>
     <action application="bridge" data="sofia/gateway/${default_gateway}/$1"/>

The above example is how to PERMIT calls. The example below takes the opposite approach and is how to PREVENT calls. Effectively, the above example assumes all calls are bad (except internal) unless they are flagged as good by the value of the toll_allow variable. The below example takes the opposite approach - it assumes that all calls are good unless they are flagged as bad.

Put this in your advanced dialplan. In the toll allow of whatever extension you wanted to restrict put the value 'local'.  This example 
restricts from calling 10 or 11 digit numbers.
<extension name="localcalls" >
 <condition field="${toll_allow}" expression="local"/>
  <condition field="destination_number" expression="(^\d{10}$|^\d{11}$)">
   <action application="hangup"/>

See also