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(My Goal)
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===My Goal===
My Goal is to make a easy to install PBX.
I am tired of iso's that don't work/install correctly. So I Have taken the time to walk you through a base <br>
install and include a script that uses ports that are maintained outside the bsd ports tree due to the fact they <br>
are easier to maintain and update.<br>
By Default this script installs nginx and sqlite3.<br.
If you need Apache or another web server you will have to do this yourself. (Please take the time to Document it below if you do.)<br>
If you wish to use mysql or Postgresql then you can select them when the nginx port builds<br>
it only installs the connector clients.<br>
You will have to install the mysql or postgresql server either on the same box or a remote<br>
server of your choice and configure it properly.<br>
My new install script does all the work.<br>
It setus up freeswitch/nginx/sqlite3/fusionpbx.<br>
it will pull and install all the needed dependencies and configuration files for you.<br>
==FreeBSD Install==
Download a Freebsd 8.2 install iso and burn it to a disc.<br>
i386-net: ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ISO-IMAGES-i386/8.2/FreeBSD-8.2-RELEASE-i386-disk1.iso<BR>
amd64: ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ISO-IMAGES-amd64/8.2/FreeBSD-8.2-RELEASE-amd64-disk1.iso<br>
ia64: ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ISO-IMAGES-ia64/8.2/FreeBSD-8.2-RELEASE-ia64-disk1.iso<br>
Download a Freebsd 8.2 bootonly to do a network install
i386-net: ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ISO-IMAGES-i386/8.2/FreeBSD-8.2-RELEASE-i386-bootonly.iso<BR>
amd64: ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ISO-IMAGES-amd64/8.2/FreeBSD-8.2-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso<br>
ia64: ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/ISO-IMAGES-ia64/8.2/FreeBSD-8.2-RELEASE-ia64-bootonly.iso<br>
==FreeBSD Minimal Install==
Boot the iso and when you get the install menu select Custom Install.<br>
goto partition<br>
hit enter<br>
hit A and answer yes<br>
select standard<br>
next goto label and hit a=auto q=quit
goto distribution and select minimal (a) <br>
hit tabkey and enter <br>
goto media<br>
(For CD Install) select cd/dvd <br>
(FOR Net Install) select FTP / FTP Passive / Answer Questions<br>
then goto commit. <br>
the os will now install<br>
==FreeBSD Post Install Configuration==
After the os installs it will ask if you want to configure the base system select yes. <br>
scroll down and select root password and set the password. <br>
scroll down and select timezone and set your time zone. <br>
Scroll to network and the scroll to interface and hit the spacebar and configure your network card.<br>
still in the network area select ntp and choose a ntpserver. Then select sshd and tcp extensions. <br>
scroll up to exit and hit the enter. <br>
scroll to startup and scroll down and deselect quotas. <br>
then scroll up to exit and hit enter. <br>
scroll up to exit . <br>
hit tab and select exit install. Remove the cdrom and then reboot. <br>
You now have a base/minimal install. <br>
==Freebsd + Freeswitch + FusionPbx - Installation==
Get the script here.<br>
exec ./Freebsd-Fusionpbx and let it do its thing answering questions/prompts as needed.<br>
When it prompts you for php modules you will need to select the php-fpm module. <br>
Also when it prompts you for nginx you will need to select the http ssl module allowing<br>
for https to function correctly<br>
==NginX Setup==
Setup script takes care of this.<br>
It is setup for https....<br>
I am working to fix the redirect<br>
in it so http will got to https<br>
==Apache Setup==
<please Document>
==Lighttpd Setup==
<please document>
==Postgresql Server Setup==
\----Fresh pgsql install----/<br>
cd /usr/ports/database/postgresql84-server && make install clean<br>
To set and configure PgSQL for use with FusionPBX,<br>
Follow this line for line.<br>
for a fresh pgsql install follow :<br>
su pgsql<br>
initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data<br>
postmaster -D /usr/local/pgsql/data >logfile 2>&1 & <br>
createuser -S -e FusionPBX<br>
createdb -O FusionPBX FusionPBX<br>
psql -d FusionPBX -U FusionPBX<br>
alter user FusionPBX with password 'pbx2010';or any passwd you want ";" required<br>
psql -f /usr/local/www/fusionpbx/includes/install/sql/pgsql.sql FusionPBX<br>
exit from su<br>
For a existiting pgsql database install follow:<br>
su pgsql<br>
createuser -S -e FusionPBX<br>
createdb -O FusionPBX FusionPBX<br>
psql -d FusionPBX -U FusionPBX<br>
ALTER USER FusionPBX with PASSWORD 'pbx2010'; or any passwd you want, ";" required<br>
psql -f /usr/local/www/fusionpbx/includes/install/sql/pgsql.sql FusionPBX<br>
==MySql Setup==
<please document>
==Final Step==
Reboot your system and point your browser to:

Latest revision as of 12:48, 10 July 2011