Freebsd FusionPBX Install -dead

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Revision as of 21:03, 8 July 2011 by Rneese (talk | contribs) (Lighttpd Setup)
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Freeswitch &FusionPbx Freebsd Configuration

By Default the script installs nginx and sqlite3.

If you need Apache or another web server you will have to do this yourself.

If you wish to use mysql or Postgresql then you can sellect them when the nginx port builds it only installs the connector clients.
You will have to install the mysql or postgresql server either on the same box or a remote server of your choie. and configure it properly.

My new install script does all the work.

It setus up freeswitch/nginx/sqlite3/fusionpbx.

fetch it here:

it will pull and install the needed files for you. put it in ~/root chmod it +x

./Freebsd-Fusionpbx and let it do its thing answering needed questions.

when it builds php you will need to select the php-fpm module.

Also when it builds the nginx port you will need to select the http ssl module allowing for https to function correctly.

NginX Setup

Apache Setup

<please Document>

Lighttpd Setup

<please document>

POstgresql Server Setup

cd /usr/ports/database/postgresql84-server && make install clean

To set and configure PgSQL for use with FusionPBX,
Follow this line for line.
for a fresh pgsql install follow :
su pgsql
initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
postmaster -D /usr/local/pgsql/data >logfile 2>&1 &
createuser -S -e FusionPBX
createdb -O FusionPBX FusionPBX
psql -d FusionPBX -U FusionPBX
alter user FusionPBX with password 'pbx2010';or any passwd you want ";" required
psql -f /usr/local/www/fusionpbx/includes/install/sql/pgsql.sql FusionPBX
exit from su

For a existiting pgsql database install follow:
su pgsql
createuser -S -e FusionPBX
createdb -O FusionPBX FusionPBX
psql -d FusionPBX -U FusionPBX
ALTER USER FusionPBX with PASSWORD 'pbx2010'; or any passwd you want, ";" required
psql -f /usr/local/www/fusionpbx/includes/install/sql/pgsql.sql FusionPBX

MySql Setup

Input needed


and add these lines:

Edit xml_cdr.conf.xml

Final Step

Reboot your system and point your browser to:
