Ubuntu ISO

From FusionPBX
Revision as of 16:26, 3 May 2012 by Soapee01 (talk | contribs) (FreeSWITCH Source Code)
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2011 November 11

This is a LiveCD for installing FreeSWITCH/FusionPBX. It's currently in work (64 bit and 32 bit). These are beta. They were created in KVM sessions, but the do install on real hardware. Please read Instructions and Errata closely.

Feedback requested: /msg soapee01 on Freenode (#fusionpbx). As of December 30, 2010 it actually functions as a LiveCD. FreeSWITCH and FusionPBX are running so you can test the FusionPBX gui. Please don't connect up to a SIP client and complain about audio quality while you run from a CD-ROM. :)

The latest ISO images can be found here:


The latest Torrents for the images can be found here (Thanks hyper_ch!)


ISO Major Inclusions

Ubuntu Server version: 10.04 LTS
Freeswitch git number: ISO Date
FusionPBX SVN: ISO Date
web server: Ngnix/php5-fpm (post install you can change to Apache2)
database: sqlite (post install you can change to MySQL or PostgreSQL)
tftp server: not included
Other: logrotate, fail2ban

If you have to compile freeswitch

If you require the use of a module that wasn't included when freeswitch was compiled to create the ISO you will need to re-compile. In order to fit the ISO image onto the CD, the source files have been removed, however the source files that were used to build the ISO are actually available - If you look on the sourceforge page for the iso, there's a tar.gz that is the compiled FreeSWITCH source that built the iso. Get it and xtracat it to /usr/src and then you'll be able to edit the modules.conf and compile.


  1. Read Errata List
  2. Download the ISO
  3. Verify the MD5 Sum.
  4. Burn to a CD or run from VMWare/VirtualBOX (testing only)
  5. Boot (be patient... LiveCDs take a while)
  6. Double Click the install icon
  7. Post-install: decide whether or not you want to upgrade FusionBPX.
      • What it really does is completely delete the current version installed on the iso, and grab the latest version of FusionPBX from svn. Then it reruns the installer with your choice of database, web server, etc. This is the preferred method for iso installation. This way the iso will always provide the latest FusionPBX. In a nutshell, it does 'rm -rf /var/www/fusionpbx' and calls the script '/usr/local/bin/install_fusionpbx install-fusionpbx user'
    • The system will not boot with a GUI. If you need one, run startx
  8. Default Username/Password for FusionPBX on LiveCD/post-install
    • username: superadmin
    • password: fusionpbx


Permissions after Upgrade

If you upgrade FreeSWITCH, permissions will be changed. This is due to the way make install is configured. Your first sign of this is that FreeSWITCH will fail to start. This is due to the /etc/init.d/freeswitch script trying to start FreeSWITCH as user www-data, and www-data doesn't have access to the FreeSWITCH binaries anymore. Post upgrade, run the following:

Fix www-data Permissions


install_fusionpbx fix-permissions

or This is a script to make FreeSWITCH and FusionPBX run as the same user again. Save it to a file (ex: fixperms.sh), make it executable (chmod ugo+x ./fixperms.sh) and run it with sudo (sudo ./fixperms.sh).

/bin/echo "setting FreeSWITCH owned by www-dat.www-data"
/bin/chown -R www-data.www-data /usr/local/freeswitch
#remove 'other' permissions on freeswitch
/bin/chmod -R o-rwx /usr/local/freeswitch/
#set FreeSWITCH directories full permissions for user/group with group sticky
/bin/echo "Setting group ID sticky for FreeSWITCH"
/usr/bin/find /usr/local/freeswitch -type d -exec /bin/chmod u=rwx,g=srx,o= {} \;
#make sure FreeSWITCH directories have group write
/bin/echo "Setting Group Write for FreeSWITCH files"
/usr/bin/find /usr/local/freeswitch -type f -exec /bin/chmod g+w {} \;
#make sure FreeSWITCH files have group write
/bin/echo "Setting Group Write for FreeSWITCH directories"
/usr/bin/find /usr/local/freeswitch -type d -exec /bin/chmod g+w {} \;
/bin/echo "setting FusionPBX owned by www-data.www-data just in case"
if [ -e /var/www/fusionpbx ]; then
    /bin/chown -R www-data.www-data /var/www/fusionpbx
/bin/echo "Changing /etc/init.d/freeswitch to start with user www-data"	
/bin/sed -i -e s,'USER=freeswitch','USER=www-data', /etc/init.d/freeswitch
#/etc/init.d/freeswitch start

FreeSWITCH Source Code

The compiled FreeSWITCH source code is too large to fit on the iso. You'll need to do a little legwork, and then you can run a script that soapee01 wrote to automate this process. Here is the procedure:

  1. how to find the Git Version
  2. log into fs_cli, run version.
  3. search http://fisheye.freeswitch.org for that commit "eg git-4936b11"
    1. search by the number (leave off the "git-")
    2. Select the "View in Activity Stream" link
    3. There will be a text box with the hash tag looks like:
    4. 4936b11cc85f94f42609f78d0bc27488ed522ff0
  4. Plug that hash tag into the variable GITVER in the script below.
sudo wget http://fusionpbx.googlecode.com/svn/contribs/soapee01/scripts/oldisogetfs.sh -O /usr/local/bin/oldisogetfs.sh
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/oldisogetfs.sh

This will checkout the latest git, and change the repository to the version on your iso. Then it will compile FreeSWITCH.

  1. Next you should download the latest install_fusionpbx.sh script see here for info
  2. Run the following command to upgrade to the latest.
install_fusionpbx.sh upgrade-freeswitch user
install_fusionpbx.sh fix-permissions

Older Versions

Please see:Easy_Ubuntu_10.04_Old_CD_Versions


Information on importing the self signed certificates can be found here Self-Signed CA


  • Option to download FreeSWITCH compiled source as tar.gz for iso
  • Option --fix-permissions
    • Needs to check FreeSWITCH init script
  • upgrade-fusionpbx needs to fix permissions, since a FS upgrade kills them.
  • Logrotate for nginx
  • Fail2ban for FusionPBX failed login attempts
    • Need information on attempts/rate/etc
  • Change Fail2ban on FreeSWITCH with attempts/rate/etc in config file (not default settings)
  • Change or have option to download GIT from GitHub repository (It's faster)
    • git://github.com/FreeSWITCH/FreeSWITCH.git
  • Make nginx/apache https by default
    • iso needs to regenerate certificates post install, ideally with 10 year expirations.
  • fix nginx config to not block html files... Don't block ~ .ht
       # Disable viewing .htaccess & .htpassword & .db
       location ~ .htaccess {
               deny all;
       location ~ .htpassword {
               deny all;
  • Install TFTPD, change permissions to www-data.
    • /var/lib/tftpboot is root dir.
    • /etc/default/tftpd-hpa is config file
  • Install NTPD
    • Package in repository is just 'ntp'