
From FusionPBX
Revision as of 21:23, 20 December 2010 by Soapee01 (talk | contribs) (Menu)
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There are two methods to upgrade FusionPBX source. 1. Menu -> System -> Upgrade (doesn't update all files) Used to update FusionPBX to the latest release.

2. Subversion (currently the preferred method to use) Login to the FusionPBX web inteface. Login to the console, navigate to the fusionpbx directory:

 svn update


Login as a user that is a member of the super admin group. Then run Advanced -> Upgrade Schema which will ensure that your database structure is correct.



Now update the menu to the latest version.


Press 'Restore Default'

SQlite Database Restore

You shouldn't need to do this, and it's probably the wrong thing to do, but if your database won't load after an upgrade...

Synopsis of what happened [to me]

1. You were not logged into the browser interface
2. You updated from svn via CLI
3. You went to login to run upgrade->Schema, but couldn't due to some changes.


from cli:

mv /var/www/fusionpbx /var/www/fusionpbx.bak
reinstall the lastest fusionpbx...
login via the gui, complete the install... Don't log out
cd /var/www/fusionpbx/secure
mv fusionpbx.db fusionpbx.db.new
cp /var/www/fusionpbx.bak/secure/fusionpbx.db ./
chown www-data:www-data fusionpbx.db
   (or whatever your webserver user/grp is)
go to: http://domain_or_ip/core/upgrade/upgrade_schema.php
This should fix the database.

In the future

Make sure you're logged into the browser interface before doing an upgrade...

You will need to have FusionPBX recreate all of the FreeSWITCH xml files. Edit an extension/gatway/route/etc, and click save (you won't need to edit it).