User:Blood Balance Formula Review2

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Unquenchable Thirst: The kidneys of the Blood Balance Formula diabetic patients have to work extra for flushing the glucose out of the body; as a result the patients feel more thirsty than usual. Whenever someone is feeling thirsty more than usual then he should have himself tested.

Unexplained Weight Loss: Obesity and diabetes are linked together. It looks counteractive to state that unexplained weight loss is also the sign of diabetes. Pancreas of diabetics suffering from type 1 do not produce the needed mount of insulin because of the destruction of pancreatic cells by the viral infection. The body cells then get starved of energy. The result is that body has to utilize muscle mass and fat for production of energy.

Tiredness: High levels of glucose are again the culprit. The cells of the body are unable to extract blood glucose for the production of energy; this leaves the feeling of being completely tired.