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Your back defines your physique. It gives you HGH-X2 that much sought after V-taper that can make you look huge. If you work out and aren't looking for that shape you have a problem. A V-taper is what really fills out your t-shirts. You look wide, large, and in charge (excuse my cheesiness). An impressive physique is never complete without a set of wide lats and a thick back. Many people have a hard time developing their backs though, and for good reason. You can't see it. It's very hard to train what you can't see.

Today I am going to talk to you about the best ways to feel your back working when you are having trouble doing so. The most important thing to do on every rep of every set of every back workout is to squeeze it. Most of the time you can't grow your back is because you can't feel it. Hold the contracted position of each back lift for one second and if you still can't feel your back working you are weird.

If you are doing pulldowns hold the bar at your chest and pull from your elbows to hold it down. If you are doing rows (cable or barbell rows) pull the bar to your midsection and hold it there pulling your shoulder blades together as hard as you can. That pump you get after a full set of that, that is your back muscles working. Good job you just found your back! Your doing better than most guys out there.