User:Hydrolift Review book

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Acne may not be life threatening, but it can be socially Hydrolift debilitating for the sufferer leading to low self-esteem and self-confidence. Often, people reach for acne treatments, such as Proactiv, Benzoyl Peroxide, and Polyethlene, without realising that these two ingredients often cause more damage to the skin without healing it.

Benzyol Peroxide, or BP is an antibacterial and bleaching agent that can lead to crusting, blistering, and over drying of the skin. BP is known to only be able to control acne when it is used on a consistent, and even long-term, basis. Recently, researches have discovered that the long term use of BP leads to the development of free radicals. Free radicals, which have been directly linked to cancer, damage the skins structure and cellular DNA, resulting in premature aging of the skin. This particularly nasty ingredient also opens the skin up to sun damage as it removes the top layer of the skin.

Currently, the FDA has Benzoyl Peroxide listed as 'safety unknown' due to research indicating that BP promoted tumor growth in mice. Studies have also indicated that it leads to the development of carcinoma (a form of cancer) in mice and hamster. Researchers are currently conducting studies as to whether BP will cause this in humans.