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If you have any family Paleohacks Cookbooks Reviewhistory of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease or cancer coming up with a weight loss diet can also provide other great health related benefits. Your diet should not create cravings that will make you want to destroy your diet in a short period of time. It should be designed so that it addresses exactly what you need to happen. If you do have high blood pressure, your diet should keep you from any foods that are high in sodium and have many foods with anti oxidant properties. If you have naturally high cholesterol you will need to avoid foods with Trans fats or that contain high amounts of cholesterol.

Other ways to affect your diet are to limit the types of certain foods, increasing your fiber intake and instituting portion control for all of your meals. If you look at the various diets that have been popular over the last few years you will see that when the diet discusses a serving size, you look at between three and five ounces depending on the particular food. Some times the measurement is in portions of a cup versus ounces but the portions mentioned are significantly smaller than what we usually put on our plates.

If you eat out on a regular basis it will be difficult to maintain any kind of diet to achieve your weight loss as even appetizer portions are bigger than they need to be for the calorie levels you want to get to. If you look at beef and steak portions on menus you will find that the smallest portion is usually at least six ounces and that is almost always a fillet Mignon. Any other steak or beef main dish will be at least nine ounces or more. If it is a T-bone or Porterhouse then the bone takes up about a fourth of the total weight but it is still at least twice what a normal diet portion should be.

You can lose those love handles without surgery, and without is taking forever either. The trick is in doing exercise that focus on these areas including the abdominal and the oblique muscles. You need to do this a few times a week, but you need to find exercises that focus on these areas, not sit ups or crunches.An alternative is the Knee-In exercise. Lay flat on your back with your legs straight out in front of you. Place your hands palms down under you back using your elbows for support. Next step when doing this exercise is to alternate raising your knees up as close to your shoulders as possible. Repeat this until you have done 15 reps per knee, or about thirty complete reps per day. This is similar to riding a bike but you are laying flat on your back.