User:Uncompromised Life Course Review

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Before you know, the new opportunity distracts you Uncompromised Life Course from pursuing your Dream. The Dream ends up on the back-burner... for one day, perhaps. You no longer do what you are passionate about. All businesses go through tough times and those are the times when you wonder what would've happened if you just stuck with your dream instead? What if you bit the bullet instead of giving a damn about keeping up with the Jones' for a short while? Now that you're really depressed, I would like to encourage you.

Stick with your dreams. What if you chase the mighty buck instead of your dreams forever and leave your dreams on the back-burner? What if you never get your lifestyle up to the standard that's expected of you AND you do what you're not passionate about? Where do we begin? If we are to discuss a subject with any chance of actual communication, it might be a good idea to define the main subject.

Our subject is Self Esteem and its relationship to Success. According to the American Psychological Association's Dictionary of Psychology, Self Esteem is the DEGREE to which the qualities and characteristics contained in one's SELF CONCEPT are 'perceived' to be positive. This is a good definition to begin with but, the question is, 'how is this important to me?'. Nathaniel Branden describes the importance with precision in his book, "The Psychology of Self Esteem" : "There is no value judgment more important to man- no factor more decisive in his psychological development and motivation- than the estimate he passes on himself."