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Dr.indeed.com Michael Margolin is a cosmetic dentist who provides patients with the dental care they need and want in order to maintain a confident smile. One procedure that can be used to help patients gain straighter, white teeth is the use of veneers. Veneers can help with several dental issues that might otherwise go unaided. Veneers are usually made of very thin pieces of porcelain that are bonded directly on top of the existing teeth. The porcelain has been shaped to fit the tooth and to blend well with adjoining teeth. It can also be colored to match the surrounding natural teeth. Many people will use a whitening procedure on their natural teeth prior to having veneers done.

This is so that the veneers can be matched to the white teeth that will be around them. The porcelain is very resistant to stain and reflects light in much the same way a natural tooth does. Dr. Margolin is a cosmetic dentist who understands the procedure of placing veneers, and he works to provide patients with the solutions they need to help improve their smiles. When a tooth has been chipped or damaged, the damage can be hidden through the use of veneers. Because the porcelain is shaped to order, it can be cut to give a straight line to the edge of the tooth. If a tooth has become more worn down than surrounding teeth, it doesn't look as good as the teeth it is next to. Using a veneer can help it look just like the other teeth.

Sometimes teeth are discolored and do not respond to the usual teeth whitening procedures, so a veneer is used to hide that discoloration. Dr. Margolin works individually with patients who are interested in getting veneers. He evaluates patients to determine their needs. He helps them understand their options, and whether they are good candidates for the procedure. If a patient is a good candidate, the procedure can be scheduled for the patient. Margolin Dental Associates is a general practice offering patients personalized dental care Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Michael Margolin, D.M.D. received his B.A. Economics from Ithaca College and earned a Doctor of Dental Medicine Degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University. After graduating he joined his father and his brother in a group practice where he has worked for the past 21 years. Dr. Margolin is part of one percent of dental professionals providing the most recent FDA cleared laser procedure for gum disease and periodontal treatment.

The entire process can take five to nine months to complete, depending on the patient’s situation and speed of healing. Dentists typically give specific instructions on how to care for dental implants. It is important that you follow these instructions carefully. How effective are implants? Having good general health, healthy gums and sufficient bone structure makes you a good candidate for implants. Depending on the location in the mouth, implants are usually between 85 and 90% successful. Implants may be less successful for people who smoke, grind or clench teeth or have a history of radiation therapy. Patients with diabetes or osteoporosis who have bone loss in the jaw may also be at risk for complications. Check with your dentist to see if implants are the right choice for you. How much do implants cost? Implants are typically more expensive than bridges, but they more closely simulate the appearance and function of natural teeth. Wondering if your plan covers implants and, if so, what they would cost? Delta Dental PPOTM and Delta Dental Premier® enrollees: Before you begin implant treatment, ask your dentist to obtain a pre-treatment estimate. This free service ensures that you know up front how much, if anything, the dental plan will pay and how much you will be responsible for.

Teeth whitening chart is the best improved for people with low alike of confidence at last who wish to make their smile perfect. But still many people are unconvinced with the outcome of this shortcut. People think that risks of undertaking teeth whitening are more important than its benefits. But rather it is not totally right. Let as look at some of the possible risks that might arise after undergoing teeth whitening and how to prevent this or overcome them when it happens again. In Colorado, teeth whitening involve application of bleach solution to whiten the teeth. People who have extreme perceiving or gum diseases command not suitable to undergo teeth whitening.

First, their gums should be treated. When gums are in good condition, they can now decide for teeth whitening. Health experts do not recommend bleaching products that contains 3 % bleach. Bleach product with only 0. 1 % are acceptable which might entail human intake. Teeth that are exposed on bleaching product for a longer time will originate severe damage to teeth. It is still recommended to undergo teeth whitening under the direction of an validated dentist. It is unsafe to undergo teeth whitening for people who used noddy or smoke a lot. People will be more averse to harmful result of alcohol when high intake of hydrogen peroxide is made. Pregnant and lactating women should also play past these bleaching products for the safety of their infants.

People with susceptible teeth dexterity use medicated toothpaste and have a soft bristle toothbrush alongside pipeline through in teeth whitening to minimize the irritation and pain. But adjoining several days, the pain will just ease. It is still vital to sign with a dentist before deciding through teeth whitening outgrowth. There are no other bad effects of teeth whitening aside from the better mentioned problems. These days if you want to have teeth whitening done at your home, underneath are some tips you should consider before going passion it. A conventional plastic tray is used to easily fit into the mouth to put on the chemical inside.

This is used in in - house teeth whitening and be sharp in applying it to avoid some damage to your gums. Bleaching gel is applied into tray and the person wears it in mouth regularly for consecutive weeks. It takes for 3 to 4 weeks before the effect of teeth whitening appears. To deter some problems and avoid desolate to your gums, construe the instructions carefully. Know all the ingredients of the bleaching product that you apply in your teeth. Besides be astute in applying the right amount of whitening that is being taken by your teeth. To have an effective result, grip on using the specially made tray to make headway the effect for at least a couple of months. It is then very essential to observe the health condition of your teeth and gums. If the tray will engender the merger or disconsolate of gums or annoyance, muse the dentist immediately.

Dental implants provide a strong foundation for permanent or removable prosthesis (replacement teeth) that are made to match your natural teeth. They are manufactured from biologically neutral pure Titanium or titanium alloys, that is accepted by the human body and these implants fuse with the jawbone to form a secure foundation for tooth replacement. There are two basic types of implants available at our dental clinic. In certain cases, conventional or immediate implants may be followed by immediate loading of crowns and bridges known as immediately loaded implants. Conventional implants are applicable to almost anyone who is looking to replace one, multiple, all missing teeth with a permanent restoration solution.

Conventional implants are done in 2 stages normally in 2 trips about 3 to 6 months apart. Conventional implants may be done for most types of bone conditions. If there is moderate or severe jaw bone loss, bone grafting may be recommended prior to dental implantation. Immediate implants are also known as one day or same day implants. This is the case whereby dental implants is placed during the same time after teeth are extracted. Crowns, bridge, dentures may or may not be placed on during same trip depending on whether immediate loaded implants may be done. Immediate implants are normally recommended only for cases with good jaw bone conditions.

Immediate loaded implants are whereby permanent or temporary crowns,bridges or dentures are placed during the same trip when the dental implant posts is embedded in jaws. Immediate loaded implants may follow after conventional implants or immediate implants. Immediate loaded implants are normally recommended only for cases with good jawbone conditions. The type of dental implants selected will be dependent on the patients’ specific needs and general dental condition. A panoramic x-ray and/or CT scan is usually required to evaluate the amount of bone, determine the space available and for a thorough examination to diagnosing the options best suited for each case. There are a variety of dental implant systems available on the market.

The two most popular systems are the Nobel Biocare implant systems & Alpha Bio Implant system. Both companies have had long-standing histories in the field of producing dental implants and have their own ranges of lines. We use only top end dental Implants - Nobel Biocare from Sweden & Straumann from Switzerland.youtube.com Nobel Biocare: Replace Select / Straumann BLT, each implant costs Rs. Each Implant costs Rs. Porcelain fused to Base Metal crown/bridge is Rs. Porcelain fused to metal crown (CAD-CAM designed) "Screw retained" costs Rs. We also offer top end Zirconia metal free Crowns (Brands like Procera; Lava: ZirCAD) each of which costs about Rs.

Zirconia metal free crown-Screw retained - (Procera from Nobel Biocare-Sweden)-each costing Rs. We prefer to do the Implants in 1st visit along with temporaries, which should be changed to permanent Porcelain teeth after 6 months time, hence we recommend a second visit to us after at least 6 months. But if the conditions are fine, we can do IMMEDIATE LOADING with Crowns during the same visit. Each visit should be for at least 7-14 days time. Got dental implantdone, liked the professionalism during the treatment. Doctors’ attitude, comfort and hygiene at clinic is excellent. It was great when the clinic could accommodate and expedite the process as I was in Delhi just for short time. I had a dental implant at Dr Kathuria’s clinic, one of the best in India. I am extremely satisfied with the quality and expertise of the procedure. I highly recommend having any dental care done here. The staff is very professional and friendly. Best regards from the US.

How much whiter will my teeth look? Does teeth whitening hurt ? How much does tooth whitening cost? Teeth whitening is the process of removing stains and discolouration from teeth through a bleaching process to make them look "whiter". For heavily stained teeth, a procedure as simple as a scale and polish from a dental hygienist can significantly improve their appearance and make them look "whiter". What are the different types of teeth whitening available? Both procedures are based on a bleaching process that uses a peroxide-based bleaching gel of varying strength (3%-6% peroxide). The higher the concentration of peroxide in the gel, the more powerful it is. While a higher concentration gel is more effective at whitening the teeth, it also has greater potential to cause side effects such as sensitivity and damage to the surrounding gum tissue and your lips.

Laser tooth whitening or in-surgery whitening is a procedure that takes place at the dental practice and uses a light-activated bleaching gel to whiten your teeth. The procedure usually takes approx 1 -2 hours and produces instant whitening results. Many dentists recommend that laser whitening should be followed up by professional home whitening. Prior to carrying out the procedure you would have a consultation with your dentist to make sure that you are suitable for teeth whitening and to explain possible risks and side effects of the procedure. Most dental practices will ask you to sign a teeth whitening consent form to confirm that you have fully understood the procedure and all risks. Before the teeth whitening process is started a dentist or a hygienist will thoroughly clean the teeth, removing any surface stains and tartar. This procedure is commonly referred to as a scale and polish.

The next step will be for the dentist to make a record of the shade/colour of the teeth before the procedure. This is either recorded using a tooth coloured shade guide/chart or by taking a digital photograph of your teeth. The area is then prepared for the procedure. The bleaching compound usually contains a high concentration of peroxide (up to 6%) and so the dentist will usually place some form of protection around the gums so that only the teeth are exposed to the compound. This involves covering the gums with rolls of cotton and a protective gel material that hardens once applied to the gums. A cheek retractor is used to keep the lips and cheeks away from the teeth.

It is very important that your dentist isolates your gums and lips with a protective material in order to avoid any potential damage or burning. Home whitening kits usually have a low concentration of peroxide so that there is less chance of any damage occurring. Recently, high-strength home whitening kits purchased online and from certain stores have attracted media attention with horror stories of people with badly burnt lips and gums. It's for this reason that teeth whitening should always be carried out under the supervision of a dentist. Eye protection (goggles) is also provided to prevent any damage to the eyes from the laser used or any accidental splashes of the peroxide.

Many cosmetic practices now offer "DVD glasses" so that the patient can watch a movie during their treatment! The whitening gel is then applied to the surface of the teeth and exposed to a light or laser, which activates it. Some systems do not use an activating laser and many dentists argue that the laser doesn’t make any difference to the end result. During this process if you feel that your lips or gums start to burn then you should let your dentist know immediately. After approximately 15 minutes the gel is removed and the process repeated another 2 times. During the procedure some people may feel sensitivity in their teeth, which are described as short-lived shooting pains. The dentist will finally wash off the whitening gel and remove any gum protection before evaluating the final result by taking a photograph or using a shade chart.

The results are usually quite dramatic and can often be up to 10 shades lighter. A kit for home whitening may also be provided with custom trays and professional whitening gel. Many patients’ teeth are quite sensitive immediately following this procedure and it is advised to try and avoid hot or cold drinks for a while. Some dentists offer fluoride treatment following teeth whitening to reduce this effect on sensitivity. Your home whitening kit usually contains a solution to reduce tooth sensitivity. Sensitivity rarely lasts more than 48 hours, if symptoms persist for longer than this then contact your dentist.

Once your treatment is complete your dentist will remove the gel and a shade guide will then be used to measure how much whiter your teeth have become during the procedure. The results are instant and can often be up to 10 shades lighter. Professional home whitening kits provide more permanent results over a longer time scale, whereas laser tooth whitening offers immediate results. A combination of the two provides the perfect solution to both immediate and long-term whitening needs. To make a professional home whitening kit, your dentist will take a impression (mould) of your teeth using a special dental putty. Your dentist’s technician will then use this to cast a model of your teeth from plaster and make your custom teeth whitening trays from this.

Once these trays have been made (usually takes 5-10 days) you use them in combination with professional whitening gel (provided by your dentist) until you are happy with the results. Depending on the teeth whitening system, some trays need to be worn overnight while others for only 1-2 hours a day. Many people are not suitable for teeth whitening and a dentist will assess your suitability during a consultation. If you have gum disease or other dental health problems, you may not be suitable. The teeth whitening process does not change the colour of crowns, veneers or fillings so it is important to understand that you may need to change these to match the colour of your whitened teeth.

How much whiter will my teeth look? This varies from individual to individual, and also depends on the type of whitening system used. Some people respond very well to teeth whitening and have dramatically whiter teeth as a result, whereas others may notice very little difference at all. People with heavily stained yellow teeth tend to have more dramatic results than those with slightly discoloured teeth.Your dentist will be able to advise you on the likely results following a consultation. What are the side effects of teeth whitening? Some people experience no pain or sensitivity with their teeth. However, the majority of people will experience some kind of sensitivity either during and/or after the initial treatment. This is usually described by patients as sporadic, sharp shooting pains coming from their teeth.

This should settle down after approximately 48 hours though. Your dentist may give you a special gel or mousse to apply to your teeth to help with the sensitivity. It is advisable to avoid hot or cold food and drinks within the first 48 hours of your whitening treatment. Which teeth-whitening brand or system is the best? There are many different brands of professional teeth-whitening systems, each claiming to provide the best results. The most popular systems are Zoom! Extreme Makeover, Opalescence® , BriteSmile® and the latest Enlighten system. Each system has its pros and cons, and your dentist will be able to advise you on which system would be best suited for your teeth. How much does teeth whitening cost? The specific clinic where your whitening is performed. The teeth-whitening system used. The location of the clinic. The skill of the dentist performing the treatment.

"As an active member of AO (Academy of Osseointegration), this dental practice offers advanced specialized knowledge about the science and clinical applications of implant dentistry. Chapultepec , Tijuana, B.C. 591 Telegraph Canyon Rd. How does your smile look? Are your bridges failing or your teeth becoming loose? Are you already missing teeth? Has your regular dentist or periodontist recommended that you consider getting dental implants? That happens to lots of people as they get older especially if they have periodontal disease. Many are on the edge of losing all of their teeth. This means either get used to wearing uncomfortable dentures or deciding to get implants. The decision to get dental implants can be confusing however. Even though all dental professionals may agree the patient needs dental implants, each dentist, oral surgeon or periodontist has their own treatment approach.

Some prefer to do a whole set of dental implants while others recommend just doing two or three implants and then using those new teeth as a base for a bridge. Unfortunately most dental insurance policies do not cover dental implants. This is beginning to change but what this means for most people, is that they end up paying for the procedures out of their own pocket. So where can you get affordable quality dental work done that is reliable, safe and hygienic? You may have heard the term "Dental Tourism"? Many foreign countries offer dental work at prices far below those costs offered in the US. Depending on where you live in the US, a good option is getting your work done in Mexico.

You can either drive or fly and make it a dental vacation. In cities all along the border, Mexican dentists offer their services. Because overhead and labor costs are much lower in Mexico, it is possible for a Mexican dental professional to offer costs that are 40-60% lower than in the US. The level of education, training and experience varies among dentists who perform dental implants. Even if you need a basic dental implant treatment, you need to do your research and find a competent Implant Dentist. Be aware that "you get what you pay for". The cheapest work is often not the best.

You should find a dental professional who specializes in dental implants. But what about quality and experience? What type of training did you get? Formal 3 year specialty, or just weekend seminars? How long have you been doing implants? How many implants have you done? How often do you place or restore implants? What is your success rate? Thousands of dental professionals on both sides of the border are now jumping on the dental implant bandwagon as a way to bolster their office's income. However, they are not required to complete much training. In fact, many dentists (in the US as well as in Mexico and other countries) may have only completed a weekend seminar offered by an implant product manufacturer.

That's all they need to do implants. They do not need any serious training, additional certification or professional education. However, this is a highly technical and sensitive surgical and prosthetic treatment which requires a high level of expertise. There are risks for dental implants if not done correctly. These include local and systemic infection, nerve injury and the possibly that there might be "inadvertent perforation of the nasal sinus." These can be serious life threatening complications. Dr Alvarez-Carrera explained that he has been doing implants for 30 years- from the early days of Implant technology. He has successfully completed treatments on thousands of implant patients with over a 99% success rate. As part of my initial research, I checked some of the dental industry blogs and was amazed by how many dentists there were who were having problems with implants due to lack of proper training.

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