XML Handler

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FusionPBX allows for many of the FreeSWITCH XML configuration files can be generated on the fly from the FusionPBX database. Currently, the Dialplan and Directory configuration files can be completely replaced.

To enable this functionality:

Tell FusionPBX not to write XML configuration files for dialplans and extensions
Navigate to Advanced -> Default Settings
Under Switch, set dialplans and extensions to false
Remove the XML files in FreeSWITCH
Move or delete all XML files in conf/dialplans and conf/directory
Add an empty file (named empty.xml or such) to conf/dialplans and conf/directory
Tell FreeSWITCH to load the dialplan and directory from lua
In conf/autoload_configs/lua.conf.xml, add:
<param name="xml-handler-script" value="app.lua xml_handler"/>
<param name="xml-handler-bindings" value="dialplan,directory"/>
Restart FreeSWITCH

Now all dialplan and directory entries will be queried from the database via the lua handler script.